Male Musicians

Tomo Milicevic Tattoos

The real name of Tomo is Tomislav Milicevic and he was born in the year 1979 on 3rd of September. His birthplace is Sarajevo, Socialist Republic Bosnia and Herzegovina of Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. He was born to a Croatian family but the whole family settled in Troy, Michigan of America when he was in third grade only. Tomo’s sister is a famous actress and is known in Hollywood as Ivana Milicevic. Tomo almost gave up his persuit in the music industry but decided to go to one last audition where he got selected and thus he became the lead guitarist of thr famous band “30 Seconds to Mars”.

Tomo Milicevic Tattoos

Tomo Milicevic Tattoos

Tomo truly feels that 30 Seconds to Mars saved him and his music career and one can tell that he is committed to this band as most of his tattoos are inspire and also dedicated to this band only. Among his tattoos, the two tattoos which stand out are inked one top of one another and this combination of two different tattoos is present on his right forearm. This forearm is truly unique and is a favourite of the followers of this band as many has copied this tattoo. First of all on this forearm he inked a Latin phase which says ”Per aspera et astra”. The meaning of this letter tattoo is “through hardships to the stars”. This tattoo is a reminder of how Tomo overcome hardship in life to gain the success he gets to enjoy now. The second tattoo which is on top of this letter tattoo is a symbol tattoo and means a lot to Tomo and the fans of 30 Seconds to Mars (Echelon) as it happens to be the band logo in the color red.

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