Football, Sports Star

Clint Dempsey Tattoos

Clint Dempsey

Clinton Drew Clint Dempsey or simply Clint Dempsey is an American footballer who was born in Nacogdoches, Texas of United States of America. It was in the year 1983 on 9th March when Clint was born and it was the year 1998 he started his career in youth career in the club Dallas Texans. But it was his performance in the clubs like Fulham and Tottenham Hotspur and also in the national team of America, that he is most know for. Dempsey has a record for having one of the fastest goals in the history of World Cup for which he scored a goal in the first 30 seconds of a match.

Clint Dempsey

Known for his style, Clint Dempsey is also known for his amazing tattoos too. His tattoos are very much showing off his unique and also great taste in tattoos. His most famous tattoo would have to be the tattoo which is on his shoulder. This symbol tattoo is very meaningful to Clint but unfortunately the real reason for coming up with the design is yet to be known by the world. The tattoo is basically a tattoo of a warrior which kind of has almost same features as Jesus and it also has wings too and is covered with clouds and rays or aura is coming from behind this warrior. All lot of thing is going out but the artist has done such a good job that it does not look clumsy at all. Another tattoo which is can be considered as an elbow tattoo as it happens to cover more that the elbow area. This elbow tattoo is a simple outline of the state of Texas which is home state of his footballer.

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