Football, Sports Star

Diego Maradona tattoos

Diego Maradona tattoos

Diego Armando Maradona Franco or simply Maradona is definitely without any doubt one of the gretest footballer of all time. May it be a foul of the century or a gretest goal of all time, “Hand of God”, Maradona is never away from headlines. His playmaker is best known for his powerful match winning performance when playing for his country Argentina. Maradona was born in the year 1960 on 30th October and it was the year 1968 when he started his career playing for Estrella Roja. Even though many times harassed by press due to his drug problem, the popularity of him was never tarnished and this legendary player will always to someone to lookup to for every young footballer.

Diego Maradona tattoos

When there are millions of people who tattoo Maradona’s portrait, name or other related tattoos on their body, so it is quite obvious that the tattoos on Maradona’s body will be one of the most talked about tattoos of all time. As the tattoos are very good, so they also become iconic like the beholder of the tattoo. From the many tattoos of Maradona, his most famous tattoo will have to be that of Che Guevara portrait on his shoulder. This shoulder tattoo are seen many time when Maradona is just hanging out in the practice field or when he is vacationing. Besides this tattoo, another portrait tattoo which is equally famous will be the tattoo of the great Fidel Castro whom Maradona admired very much. This tattoo is drawn on his leg and happens to be a famous leg tattoos which is seen when it comes to leg tattoos of different footballer of all time.

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